Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Discrimination Of Women And Women - 1291 Words

When I go places with my friends, I cannot help but notice the obvious difference between my male friends and female friends. Men and women are very different; however, this does not mean that they should have separate roles in society. I believe the United States has done a nice job of providing equal opportunities so that women have a choice of what they want to do. But not all places have done as well. In Israel, women are badly discriminating by the gender roles assigned to them. Even though many people will tell you that this is due to their traditions and customs, I still believe there is too much discrimination against women. Recently, changes have been made to relive some of the discrimination on women, but more changes must be made. The discrimination begins very early for women. â€Å"Women in Israel have been officially guaranteed gender equality since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948† (Wikipedia Contributors, 2016, n.p.). The Arab society has a strong preference for male children, especially the first child. Eight days after the birth of a male child, a large party is held to celebrate the occasion. They are often held in enormous halls with large numbers of guests are invited. There is no equivalent ceremony for girls; however, recently some young Jewish couples have celebrated the birth of a daughter. Despite this, females are viewed by most as temporary residents who will eventually become a part of her husband s family. These practices are veryShow MoreRelatedWomen Discrimination Against Women1691 Words   |  7 PagesDiscrimination Against Women Even in today’s day and age women are still continuously being discriminated against their gender role. Anti-discrimination laws have passed; however, women are still discriminated against in their chosen career goals, Women are still being stereotype to how society was back in the early days when women would only run the house hold. Raise the kids. 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