Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Unemployment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Unemployment - Research Paper Example In a country where the economy is continuously growing, the standards of living keep on improving, infrastructural development is experienced and the level of crime is low.In this report, the researcher will attempt to analyze and explain the reasons and effects of unemployment and inflation, advantages and disadvantages of the current fiscal and monetary policy, effectiveness of various economic reforms and effects of the balance of payments on exchange rates with respect to the Nigerian economy. Rural urban migration- This happens when people in the rural areas move to urban areas in search of employment.Henryexplains the rural-urban migration in terms of push - pull factors (34). The push factors include the pressure resulting from a rising man-land ratio in the rural areas and the existence of underemployment from seasonal cycle of the lack of infrastructure activities that make the rural life unattractive. He links rural-urban migration to the unattractiveness of rural life because of lack of basic amenities. When youths move to the urban areas in search of lucrative employment, there is concentration of social amenities that leads to neglecting of rural areas in the allocation of social and economic opportunities. Rapid population growth- The 2006 census in Nigeria put the populationat 140,431,791 people making it the most populous country in Africa. According to the CIA Worldfact book, the population growth rate of Nigeria was 2.54% in 2013. If the current growth rate continues, the population could reach 170million by year 2020. Rapid population growth leads to rapid growth of labor, increase in supply of jobs which the economy is not able to absorb.Bernice supports that excessive supply of laboris associated with the rate of growth of the population in that size and growth rate of labor force depends on the size and

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